Health and Social Courses
Course & Price List
Click on the course price to purchase (all pricing is subject to VAT). A member of the team will contact you to manage your enrolment.
ADHD Awareness - £35
Autism Awareness - £25
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Home - £25
Children and Young People's Mental Health - £35
Dementia Awareness - £25
Depression Awareness - £35
Diabetes Awareness - £25
Dignity and Privacy - £25
Drug and Alcohol Awareness - £35
Duty of Care - £25
End of Life Care - £25
Epilepsy Awareness - £25
Fire Marshal for Care Homes - £25
Handling Information in a Care Setting - £25
Health and Safety in a Care Setting - £25
Infection Control - £25
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage - £25
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence - £65
Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines - £25
Learning Disability Awareness - £25
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards - £25
Mental Health Awareness - £25
Moving and Handling People - £25
Person-Centred Care - £25
Positive Handling in Schools - £25
Prevent Duty - £35
Safeguarding Adults - £35
Safeguarding Children - £35
Sharps Awareness - £25
Stroke Awareness - £25
Understanding your Role in Care - £25
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